Who was the Pharaoh during Exodus?

The identity of Pharaoh in the Moses story has been debated, but many scholars feel that Exodus has King Ramses II in mind.

Scholars dated the Moses story around 1446 BC when the Egypt Pharaoh was Thutmose the second who reigned 1479 to 1425 BC. The Bible mentioned the city Rameses built be the Israelites slaves and this made scholars believe that Seth and Ramses the second were the Pharaohs from the Exodus.

Hatshepsut would have been the pharaoh at the time Moses fled Egypt or it was Thutmose the second, the Bible refers him as a male.

Moses’ Pharaoh has raised controversy among many researchers throughout history. Many believe he is Ramses II, while others believe he is Seti or Seth the first. Some scholars felt Akhenaton was the Pharaoh during plagues and Tutankhamun was the killed son or even Moses is identified with Akhenaton himself who attempted to impose monotheism upon Egypt.

Thutmose I was pharaoh at the time of Moses’ birth, Hatshepsut was Pharaoh during the time Moses fled, Thutmose III was considered the pharaoh of the oppression in Exodus 2:23 and his son Amenhotep II was considered the pharaoh of the Exodus. 

Who Were the Egyptian Pharaohs During the Time of Moses? – Christian Publishing House Blog

We may now know which Egyptian pharaoh challenged Moses

Further reading and suggested videos :

Who Were the Egyptian Pharaohs During the Time of Moses? – Christian Publishing House Blog

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