How Nurbanu Sultan became Haseki Sultan and Valide Sultan

How Nurbanu Sultan became Haseki Sultan and Valide Sultan #Shorts #minidocumentary

Nurbanu Sultan was a powerful queen consort of the Ottoman Empire during the 16th century. She was the wife of Selim II and the mother of Murad III. Despite her lowly origins as a slave, she rose to become a prominent figure in Ottoman politics and society. She was considered to be either Venetian, Jewish or Greek, but neither is generally accepted, names attributed to her include Cecilia Venier-Baffo, Rachel or Kalē Kartanou.

Nurbanu Sultan was known for her intelligence and political acumen. She acted as an advisor to her husband and was instrumental in securing the succession of her son to the throne. She was also a patron of the arts and a builder of charitable institutions. Sultana Nurbanu became the first woman to hold both the rank of Haseki and Valide. She became very influential and was involved in state matters.

Her reign was not without controversy but

Nurbanu Sultan’s legacy remains a powerful and influential figure in Ottoman history. Her leadership and patronage of the arts helped shape the empire during a critical period of its development.

She was buried next to Selim II in his mausoleum in the courtyard of Hagia Sophia, thus becoming the first wife of a sultan who received the honor of being buried next to her husband.,,

Who was Hari Singh Nalwa? 5 Interesting Facts

Who was Hari Singh Nalwa? 5 Interesting Facts #Shorts #minidocumentary

Who was Hari Singh Nalwa? 5 Interesting Facts Hari Singh Nalwa was a prominent commander of the Sikh Army who played a vital role in expanding the Sikh Empire during the early 19th century.

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Cosmic Egg Creation Myth Ancient Egypt

Cosmic Egg Creation Myth Ancient Egypt #Shorts #minidocumentary

The cosmic egg motif is a major symbol in creation myths, occurring in all parts of the world. Ancient Egyptians saw the cosmic egg as the soul of the primeval waters out of which creation arose.

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Weird AI generated deep sea fish

Weird AI generated deep sea fish #Shorts #minidocumentary

Abyssal creatures are fascinating and mysterious animals that inhabit the depths of the ocean. These deep-sea dwellers have adapted to extreme environments, including crushing pressures, near-freezing temperatures, and complete darkness.

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Facial reconstruction of historical figures

AI generated Tutankhamun face reconstruction #shorts #minidocumentary

AI generated Tutankhamun face reconstruction. Khepresh crown (blue war crown). Facial reconstruction of historical figures. Real face of Tutankhamun.

Akhenaten AI generated facial reconstruction #shorts #minidocumentary

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Who were the Knights of the Round Table?

Who were the Knights of the Round Table? #Shorts #minidocumentary

The Knights of the Round Table were a legendary group of knights who served King Arthur in medieval times. According to the legend, the knights met at a round table, which symbolized equality and respect among them.

The identity and number of the knights varied in different accounts, but the most well-known version includes Sir Lancelot, Sir Gawain, Sir Percival, Sir Galahad, and Sir Tristan, among others.

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Fascinating AI generated African Traditional Clothing

Fascinating AI generated African Traditional Clothing #shorts

Fascinating AI generated African Traditional Clothing kente, toghu, maasai, shuka, boubou, iroatibuba, dashiki, isiagu,

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11 Traditional African Clothing That Identifies African Tribes At A Glance

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What is the theory of recapitulation?

What is the theory of recapitulation? #Shorts #minidocumentary

Ernst Haeckel, a 19th-century German biologist, proposed the theory of recapitulation or “ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny.” This theory suggests that the development of an individual organism (ontogeny) as an embryo mirrors the evolutionary history of the species (phylogeny). According to Haeckel, the stages of development an embryo goes through, are similar to the stages of evolution that its ancestors experienced.

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Mind-blowing Hominids portraits AI generated

Mind-blowing Hominids portraits AI generated #Shorts #minidocumentary

Homo neanderthalensis, Homo denisovan, Homo heidelbergensis, Homo floresiensis, Homo habilis, Australopithecus afarensis, Homo ergaster, Sahelanthropus tchadensis, Ardipithecus ramidus,

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#minidocumentary #Shorts #midjourney_art #midjourneycommunity #midjourneyai #minidocumentary #informative #neanderthaliensis #neanderthal #denisova #floresiensis #australopithecus #homo_habilis #hominids #homo_ergaster #lucy #turkanaboy #heidelbergensis

Amazing Midjourney AI generated Jesus portraits

Amazing Midjourney AI generated Jesus portraits #shorts

AI generated Jesus portraits. They look amazing. Jesus walking on water. Feeding the multitude.

#midjourney #midjourneyai #midjourneycommunity #bible #jesus #jesuschrist #jesuscristo #walkinonwater #minidocumentary #informative #bible #apostles #judasiscariot #martyrdom #christianity #life_of_apostles

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