Are the stories about hominids wrong or deceitful?

Are the stories about hominids wrong? #Shorts #abcfacts

Scientists have recently renamed fossils of certain hominids and created a new type of hominid called Homo Bodoensis.

The name comes from the Bodo skull discovered in 1976 in Bodo D’ar, Ethiopia, on the Awash River in Africa.

Homo Bodoensis are a group of hominids who lived in Africa during Chibanian, in the  Pleistocene from 700.000 years ago up to 126.000 years ago.

This new term would replace Homo Rhodesiensis and Homo Heidelbergensis.

He was apparently contemporary with Neanderthals, Denisovans and Homo Naledi.

Why so many human ancestors were living along?

DNA studies showed that Homo Heidelbergensis was an early Neanderthal.

Before, scientists thought Homo Rhodesiensis and Homo Heidelbergensis have lead to Homo Sapiens but recently they feel that the Bodo Skull belonged to a species that did not lead to humans.

Also scientists feel the name Homo saldanensis  chosen for the skull from Saldanha would have priority over Homo bodoensis.

Therefore a question can be raised:

Further study and suggested videos:

Experts name new species of human ancestor | EurekAlert!

Carl Sagan – Pale Blue Dot

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