The Ancient Chemist: Tapputi Belatekallim, the First Perfume Maker

The Ancient Chemist: Tapputi Belatekallim, the First Perfume Maker #Shorts #minidocumentary

In the annals of history, there are pioneers whose innovations transcend time, leaving an indelible mark on civilization. Among these trailblazers is Tapputi Belatekallim, an ancient Mesopotamian chemist who is often hailed as the world’s first recorded perfume maker.

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10 Things You Need to Know About the History of Tango

10 Things You Need to Know About the History of Tango #Shorts #history

Tango, a passionate and evocative dance, originated in the working-class neighborhoods of Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Uruguay in the late 19th century. The tango was born in the impoverished port areas of these countries from a combination of Rioplatense Candombe celebrations, Spanish-Cuban Habanera, and Argentine Milonga.

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What disease are vampires’ stories based on? Amazing facts

What disease are vampires’ stories based on? Amazing facts #Shorts

What if I told you that the medical condition is behind the creation of vampire myths? A blood disorder called Erythropoietic protoporphyria, the most common form of porphyria, makes patients sensitive to sunlight and they avoid it.

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The 12 Angles Stone Quick Facts

The 12 Angles Stone Quick Facts #shorts #minidocumentary

The 12-angle stone is an example of the architectural mastery of the Inca. Located in Cuzco, Peru, it fits seems seamlessly into the surrounding wall it is considered a national heritage object. No mortar was used, and its precision is puzzling.

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I asked ChatGPT what is the meaning of life?

I asked ChatGPT what is the meaning of life? #Shorts #minidocumentary

The meaning of life is a philosophical and existential question that has been asked throughout human history. There is no single answer that applies to everyone, as individuals may have different beliefs, values, and perspectives that shape their understanding of the purpose and significance of existence.

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When AI is telling us to behave

When AI is telling us to behave #shorts

#shorts When AI is telling us to behave #shorts #maryonacross #maryona #ghost #maryonacrossghost #ghostbc Don’ t click on this :, VIDEO CREDITS : AI art #minidocumentary #Shorts #midjourney_art #midjourneycommunity #midjourneyai REFERENCES; SOURCES:, FURTHER READING AND SUGGESTED VIDEOS:, #documentaryvideo Short but to the point. MUSIC CREDITS: used for shorts under fair rule many thanks and full credit to: ————————————————– Ghost – Mary On A Cross ————————————————— #maryonacross #maryona #ghost #maryonacrossghost #vietnamwarmusic #agentorange #war #hippie #hippiechic #hippies #hippiestyle #hippiespirit

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Top 10 most famous shipwrecks from ancient times

Top 10 most famous shipwrecks from ancient times #Shorts #minidocumentary

Top 10 most famous shipwrecks from ancient times:

1.        The Antikythera shipwreck (in Greece, 2nd century BCE)

2.        The Uluburun shipwreck (in Turkey, 14th century BCE)

3.        The Mahdia shipwreck (in Tunisia, 3rd century BCE)

4.        The Bajo de la Campana shipwreck (in Spain, 2nd century BCE)

5.        The Cape Gelidonya shipwreck (in Turkey, 12th century BCE)

6.        The Black Sea Shipwreck (in Black sea, 4th century BCE)

7.        The Caesarea shipwrecks (in Israel, 1st-7th century CE)

8.        The Roman shipwreck at Baiae (in Italy, 1st-2nd century CE)

9.        The Berenike Shipwreck (in Egypt, 1st century CE)

10.      The Isola del Granito shipwreck (in Italy, 1st century BCE)

These images are AI-generated by Midjourney. They look amazing. what do you think? Please leave a comment, subscribe, share, and like and I will see you with the next video!

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Astronomical ceiling Pharaoh Seti the first

Astronomical ceiling Pharaoh Seti the first #shorts #minidocumentary

One of the most interesting wall paintings from ancient Egypt is the ceiling of the burial Chamber of Seti the first. It depicts the sky with stars and constellations. We can recognize the Ursa Major but there are a few constellations we don’t know from what sky they were observed or whether they were real.

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