Did the Great Pyramid architects master the Pi number?

Did the Great Pyramid architects master the Pi number? We know that Sumerians approximated the Pi number from clay tablets with cuneiform writings.

From the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus dated 1700 BC, we conclude that ancient Egyptians used fractions. They defined fractions from a legend that said Horus’s eye was fragmented by Seth.

The scribes approximated the area of a circle with a diameter of 9 to a square area with a length of 8 which gives an approximation of the Pi number to 3,1605.

The great pyramid was built in 4500 BC though. If they measured lengths in the great pyramid construction using rope, they unwillingly introduced the Pi number in its architecture.

The slope of the great pyramid is 52 degrees which creates a golden triangle with its height and half-length, that is embedding the Pi number.

Many scribes and architects used hermetic knowledge which was secret and not shared with everyone. The God Thoth was the God of the architects, mathematicians, and scribes, and he is as mysterious as the Pi number. We still wonder

