Do Orion belt stars harbor solar systems with life?

Many pyramidologists stated that the pyramids of Giza are aligned just like the three stars from the Orion belt.

They were aligned differently at the time of pyramids construction, not to mention the fact that because they are so far away from the Sun we perceive only their images, and their real position in space is even more different. Do they harbor any solar systems with life? Most likely no.

25 planets have been discovered in the stars of Orion. Many are gas giants. There are many more that have yet to be discovered. At least two of the planets in Orion are located in their respective habitable zones but not in the stars of the Orion belt.

The only planets discovered by NASA in Orion to possibly harbor life

The three stars from the Orion belt are   AlnitakAlnilam and Mintaka.     

Alnitak (ζ Orionis) is a triple star system and is 1,260 light-years from the Earth.

Alnilam (ε Orionis) is a supergiant, approximately 2,000 light-years away from Earth.

Mintaka (δ Orionis) is 1,200 light-years away and  is 90,000 times more luminous than the Sun.

Other stars in the Orion constellation are Betelgeuse and Rigel which are giant stars and probably they are towards the end of their lives.

Most Orion stars are giant, and they produce lots of light and radiation and which leads to the question : Do Orion belt stars harbor solar systems with life?

Further reading and suggested videos:

Carl Sagan – Cosmos – Drake Equation

Everything We Know About The Planets in Orion – Little Astronomy

BBC – Science & Nature – Horizon – Atlantis Reborn Again

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