Quick Facts about Chichén Itzá

Did you know that El Castillo pyramid from Chichén Itzá was built with special astronomical orientation and also above an underground lake called a cenote?

El Castillo pyramid was dedicated to the god  Kukulkán  and every year on the fall and spring equinox one can see the descent of the snake due to its secial orientation. A cenote is a cave filled with water and the Chichén Itzá cenote, called Ik Kil, was used for human sacrifices by the Maya.

Also, Yucatan peninsula has many cenotes that have formed after the meteorite who killed the dinosaurs fell. Due to its special architecture if someone claps only on the northern side one can hear the noise of a bird called Quetzal. Actually, all the monuments from Chichén Itzá were astronomically aligned. Chichén Itzá was built by the Mayan people around 250 AD to 900 AD.

The notable structures found at the Chichén Itzá  are the Red House, the Church, the  Nunnery,  and the Observatory, El Caracol. Chichén Itzá is one of the most visited archeological sites in the world with over 2,6 milion vsiitors per year.

Chichén Itzá has a specific meaning, means the mouth of the well of Itza. The pyramid El Castillo has 365 steps.

Further reading and suggested videos:

Chichen Itza: Mexico’s Mayan Wonder


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