Trajan’s Column Amazing Quick Facts

Did you know that Trajan’s column located in Rome commemorates Trajan’s victory in Dacian Wars and it was built by Apollodorus of Damascus? The column is famous for its spiral relief which depicts the wars between Romans and Dacians from 101 to 102 AD and 105 to 106 AD. It was a part of Trajan’s Forum, an esplanade commemorating Trajan’s campaigns and glory.

Trajan’s military campaigns

A statue of Trajan crowned the top but has disappeared during medieval ages and was replaced. The frieze winds 23  times around the shaft and has a length of 625 feet. There are 155 scenes depicting Roman soldiers building a bridge over Danube, building casts, setting out their campaign, fighting or negotiating with their enemies, siege of their cities and Roman army accomplishments. Trajan is depicted 58 times. The relief portrays Trajan’s two victorious military campaigns against the Dacians.


The monument gives us priceless information about roman empire military organization, about their discipline and hard work to build their military campaign, about Roman and Dacian cultures and habits. And there is some level of Trajan cult of personality,  and he is depicted  as a man of “justice, clemency, moderation, and restraint”.

Decebal capture

The monument depicts life and habits of Dacians, and they are depicted as respected and brave enemies of Rome. It depicts Decebal’s capture and death.

The Trajan’ s column is made of 20 huge  blocks of Carrara marble each weighing 32  tons. In 1587 Pope Sixtus the 5th ordered a bronze statue of St. Peter placed on top and it can be seen today. In the base of the monument is the tomb of Trajan. And…

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