What Egyptian names and words are known to appear in the Old Testament?

What Egyptian names and words are known to appear in the Old Testament? #Shorts

Egyptian names and words that are known to appear in the Old Testament

Moses: The name “Moses” is thought to have Egyptian origins, possibly derived from the Egyptian word “ms” or “mes,” which means “born” or “son.”

Pharaoh: The title “Pharaoh” appears throughout the Old Testament in relation to the Egyptian rulers during the time of the biblical events.

Hagar: The name “Hagar,” the maidservant of Sarah and the mother of Ishmael, is believed to have Egyptian roots, possibly originating from an Egyptian word meaning “flight” or “emigrant.”

On: The city of On, or Heliopolis, is mentioned in the Bible as a place where Joseph’s wife Asenath came from.

Pithom and Ramses: These are the names of cities mentioned in the context of the Israelites’ enslavement in Egypt. Pithom and Ramses were likely cities built by the Israelites for the Pharaoh.

Asenath:  is the name of Joseph’s Egyptian wife in the Bible, reflecting cultural connections between the Hebrew and Egyptian worlds.

Goshen: The land of Goshen is a region in Egypt where the Israelites settled during their time of favor under Joseph’s influence.


“Ägyptische Namen und Wörter im Alten Testament” by Francis Breyer

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