Well everyone would love to try different cultures dishes and everyone is attracted to weird stuff. What is weird for some cultures is accepted by others.
To me the most strange dish I tried it was jellyfish in a Chinese restaurant in Chicago,Il. I was expectig to eat some jelly but it was something different and i would definitely never try it again. Something else I never tolerated to eat was frog legs in Chinese restaurants as well. Everyone says “well, it tastes just like chicken!” but I could never reach the level to taste it, sorry.
Some people say octopus or all sort of seafood could be strange, but not those leaving in Louisiana, Cajun food is abundant in interesting food.
Another interesting food I tried was raw oysters, apparently in France people eat that for Christmas. I could not stand the look of a moving oyster in my dish, sorry , I might not try that again.

One of the most unique ways to cook oysters is used by Drago’s Restaurant in New Orleans : grilled oysters with garlic (charbroiled oysters). They also have great Maine Lobsters.
One of the most unique ways to cook oysters
They cook only but the best oysters on a grill like below , they put garlic on them, lemon and they serve them hot. They have workers cutting them in front of customers like below.

It is a quite interesting experience. All New Orleans restaurants are more than interesting and not that expensive.

I tried to cook myself charbroiled oysters but they are not the same at home, maybe you should go to the restaurant, it is amazing. The recipe link is here.
Other food blogs about weird food
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Food Bloggers Reveal: The Weirdest Food I Ever Ate By Ysolt Usigan
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