Amazing Facts About Pakal Ancient Astronaut

One of the most interesting discoveries in archaeology is the site of  Palenque. The Temple of the inscriptions is a burial site for the Mayan king Pakal.

The lid of his sarcophagus has a mysterious bas-relief depicting Pakal, sitting on a machine operating some controls with his hands and having some pedals for his feet. Eric von Daniken and some others interpreted this as proof of their ancient astronaut theories.

However, they disregarded the Maya symbolistic. From the belly of this interesting character raises a tree of life or a tree of cocoa. This represents the Pakals’ process of healing or returning to life. This can symbolize a cross, suggesting that Pakal had some type of suffering or sacrificed himself. In the end, there is a Quetzalcoatl.

This machinery could be an ICU bed or an ancient life support machine. Pakal seems to have in his nose a breathing device and some tubes around his neck, similar to tubes in critical patients. He also seems to have a urinary bag. This scene could also symbolize an illness he suffered from and managed to overcome. Therefore

Further reading and suggested videos:

Pakal the Great: Governor, time traveler and Mayan astronaut (

King Pakal: The Palenque Astronaut (