Spooky story about the Screaming Mummy

One of the most mysterious mummies discovered in ancient Egypt is what is called the screaming mummy. It is a mummy that was caught in a very spooky position like in a screaming or terror state.

Scholars established that it belongs to Prince Pentawere, who tried to murder his father Ramses the 3rd and then he was caught and sentenced to take his own life and be forbidden to join the afterlife. His mummification process was incomplete, and his heart was not removed.

Scholars discovered Judicial Papyrus of Turin that shows his trial. Apparently, he plotted with his mother, one of Ramses the 3rd wives, and some other members of the harem, to assassinate Ramses the 3rd.

Scientists discovered by scanning his mummy that his throat was cut up to his vertebra. DNA testing established that the screaming mummy belongs to Pentawere, Ramses the 3d son.

The most terrifying thing is that many mummies were stored by the priests to prevent them from Tomb rubbers and Ramses the 3rd and Pentawere mummies ended up next to each other where they laid for a long time. And still

Further reading and suggested videos:

The Mystery of Unknown Man E – Archaeology Magazine Archive

The ‘Screaming Mummy’ Was a Murderer Who Killed Himself | Live Science

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