Did Helen of Troy really exist ? Quick Facts

Did Helen of Troy exist ? Part 1 #Shorts #minidocumentary
Did Helen of Troy exist ? Part 2 #Shorts #minidocumentary

The existence of Helen of Troy is still a debate. Let me explain. While the Trojan war, most likely existed and Agamemnon, Menelaus, Odysseus, and Priam probably existed, the existence of Helen of Troy is questionable. There is no archeological or documented evidence of her existence, and she is rather a legend. Trojan war existed but it was due to political and economic reasons.

What if I told you that Helen of Troy was depicted as a very negative person by Homer and Virgil? Homer existence is questionable too, his works were written down after 300 years and he passed them down orally. Helen of  Troy was the daughter of Leda and Zeus, and she was the sister of Clytemnestra and Castor and Pollux. Before marrying Menelaus, she was abducted by Theseus and Pirithous.

She had many suitors

Later, she had many suitors and Odysseus and some of the kings fighting in the Trojan war were her suitors too. After 10 years of marriage with Menelaus, and having a daughter Hermione, she met Paris and she eloped with him.  “Was this the face that launched a thousand ships?” After Paris was killed in action, she married  Deiphobus  who was a younger brother of Paris and Hector.

She undressed herself charming Meneleaus

When the Trojan horse was brought into Troy, she went around the horse three times and she imitated the voices of the Greek women left behind at home humiliating the hidden Odysseus and Menelaus, or on a different version she feigned Bacchic rites, leading a chorus of Trojan women, and, holding a torch among them, she signaled to the Greeks from the city’s central tower. At the time when the Greeks sacked Troy, she betrayed her new husband Deiphobus by stealing his sword and therefore he was killed. When Menelaus found her at Troy, he tried to kill her, but she undressed herself and thus he gave up on killing her, charmed by her beauty. Can it be that her beauty has blunted the Greek soldiers swords?

Menelaus took her back to Sparta

According to Homer, Menelaus took her back to Sparta and they had a happy marriage after. One version says both Greeks and Trojans gathered to stone her to death. After Menelaus death, she was banned by his sons and she died in Rhodes hanged by Polisso, the widow of one of Trojans heroes.

Her sister Clytemnestra also was a treacherous woman because she killed Agamemnon along with her lover Aegisthus . She was queen along with Aegisthus for seven years and then was killed by her own son Orestes. And…

Helen of Sparta became Helen of Troy. Hard to believe, but her feet really did launch a thousand ships.

She is a legend figure

Helen of Troy is a figure in Greek mythology, said to be the most beautiful of all women. She was married to King Menelaus of Sparta but ran away with Paris, a prince of Troy, leading her husband and Greece to declare war on Troy, as told in Homer’s Iliad.

Helen of Troy was allegedly the most beautiful woman in the Greek world. She was married to King Menelaus, but fell in love with Paris, the son of the king and queen of Troy.

Did her famous beauty caused the Trojan War when Paris, prince of Troy, stole her from her husband Menelaus, king of Sparta? We don’t know. According to Homer , after the war, Menelaus and Helen were reunited. According to other versions, she lived in Egypt throughout the Trojan war, and she did not return with Menelaus to Sparta but lived out her days in Egypt.

Helen of Troy, in Greek legend, the most beautiful woman of Greece and the indirect cause of the Trojan War but in reality, the Trojan War was pure political and economic, Troy was controlling the Dardanelles straight and was a strong economic power. Her abduction by Paris brought about that conflict only in legend.

Everyone agrees that the story of Helen of Troy was a hot saga.

 “Was this the face that launched a thousand ships? “

Helen of Troy, Spartan princess, later also known as Helen of Argos. In Greek mythology, she was the daughter of Zeus, king of the gods, and his sister and consort, Hera. She allegedly had more than 100 suitors before she married King Menelaus of Sparta; their union produced a daughter, Hermione. After the Trojan prince Paris carried her off to live in his father’s city, Helen and her abduction allegedly set into motion the Trojan War fought between the kingdoms of Troy and Sparta.

She was the beautiful daughter of Zeus, King of the gods, and Leda. According to myth, Leda was seduced by Zeus in the form of a swan as she swam on a lake in Sparta. Helen was one of the most beautiful women in the world, and when she was a young girl, her father left her on an altar with a sword at her side to protect her from suitors. Apparently, no one dared take her away with the sword there.

Helen of Troy may refer to: Helen of Troy (mythology), Helen, daughter of Zeus and Leda, whose elopement with Paris sparked the Trojan War; Helen of Troy, West Texas, a city in the United States

Further study and suggested videos

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