Tomb of Seti the First, Amazing Facts

Tomb of Seti the First, Amazing Facts #shorts #minidocumentary

The tomb of PharaohSeti I of the Nineteenth Dynasty, also known by the name “Belzoni’s tomb” is one of the most decorated tombs in the valley, and is one of the largest and deepest tombs in the Valley of the Kings. It was uncovered by Italian archaeologist Giovanni Battista Belzoni. Its walls have text and images of the Book of Gates and one part of it describes different races of humanity known to the Egyptians, dividing them up into four categories that labelled “Reth” (Egyptians), “Aamu” (Asiatics), “Nehesu” (Nubians), and “Themehu” (Libyans). The walls are heavily decorated with symbols of the Pharaoh, like those of Ma’at,  the Opening of the mouth ceremony, the Book of The Dead and the Book of The Heavenly Cow

Belzoni found the wall paintings in excellent condition with the paint on the walls still looking fresh, and some of the artists’ paints and brushes still on the floor. Unfortunately, he damaged some of the paintings in an attempt to copy them, and the tomb was flooded at some other time. 


Rahotep and Nofret Statues: A Glimpse into Ancient Egyptian Beauty

Rahotep and Nofret Statues: A Glimpse into Ancient Egyptian Beauty #Shorts

In the heart of ancient Egypt’s rich history lies a remarkable pair of statues, the Rahotep and Nofret statues. Carved during the Fourth Dynasty, around 2600 BC, these limestone sculptures are a testament to the enduring allure of Egyptian art and culture.

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The mysterious helmet from Cotofenesti #shorts

The mysterious helmet from Cotofenesti #shorts

One of the most mysterious pieces of art is the helmet from Cotzofeneshti. It was made by Geto-Dacians around fourth century BC and used by a king for parades. It has fantastic mythological drawings with snake soldiers similar to those from Mesopotamia.

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The Antikythera Shipwreck: Unlocking Ancient Maritime Marvels

The Antikythera Shipwreck: Unlocking Ancient Maritime Marvels #shorts

The Antikythera shipwreck, discovered off the Greek island of Antikythera in 1900, continues to astonish archaeologists and historians with its priceless artifacts. Among these treasures lies the world-renowned Antikythera Mechanism, an intricate bronze device resembling an early analog computer.

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Ancient Egyptians Advanced Knowledge of Medicine

Ancient Egyptians Advanced Knowledge of Medicine #Shorts #minidocumentary

Did Ancient Egyptians Possess Advanced Knowledge of Medicine?

Yes, the ancient Egyptians possessed advanced knowledge of medicine for their time. They had a deep understanding of anatomy, performed surgeries, and developed effective treatments. Their medical papyri, such as the Edwin Smith Papyrus and the Ebers Papyrus, provide valuable insights into their medical practices.

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Ancient Egyptians Attire Quick Facts

Ancient Egyptians Attire Quick Facts #Shorts #minidocumentary

Ancient Egyptians placed great importance on clothing as it was seen as a reflection of one’s status and profession. Men in ancient Egypt typically wore linen garments, which were light, comfortable, and cool in the hot climate. The length and quality of the linen garment indicated one’s social status.

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How was Paradise in the ancient Egyptians’ beliefs?

How was Paradise in the ancient Egyptians’ beliefs? #Shorts #minidocumentary

Sekhet-Aaru, the “Field of Reeds”, was the final destination for all souls who had been granted rebirth. Sekhet-Aaru was essentially thought to be paradise and was surrounded by their beloved Nile river.

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Graham Hancock’s Ancient Apocalypse debunked.

Graham Hancock’s Ancient Apocalypse debunked #shorts #minidocumentary

In Graham Hancock’s documentary the Ancient Apocalypse, he claims there was an ancient, advanced civilization that was wiped out by a Great Flood. We don’t have any evidence of planet engineering such as mining, quarrying, using oil, or any resources by this ancient civilization. There’s no geological evidence of a Great Flood.

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How was like being a scribe in ancient Egypt?

Only a small percentage of ancient Egypt population was literate, namely the pharaoh, the members of the royal family, officials, and scribes. The scribe’s profession was transmitted from father to son, and  it was very popular, very respected, and lucrative.

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The People of the Sea

The Myceanean Civilization lasting from 1700 BC to 1200 BC fell into decadence due to unknown reasons. They are depicted in the movie Troy. They had major cities: Tirint, Pylos, Argos, Thebe, and Athens which fell into ruins for almost 500 years and their inhabitants abandoned them and life in Greece was almost rural and population was decreasing.