I asked midjourney AI art creator: “How did the ancient look like”?

I asked mid journey AI art creator ” How did the ancient look like”? This is what AI created. Ancient Romans, Ancient Olmecs, Ancient Egyptians, Ancient Sumerians. This one looks like an Anunnaki. Ancient Greeks, Ancient Phoenicians.

How was like being a scribe in ancient Egypt?

Only a small percentage of ancient Egypt population was literate, namely the pharaoh, the members of the royal family, officials, and scribes. The scribe’s profession was transmitted from father to son, and  it was very popular, very respected, and lucrative.

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Fayum Portraits of Ancient Egyptians. Amazing facts

While the ancient Egyptians held strong their beliefs in afterlife for millennia , their burial habits evolved from using mastabas, then pyramids then to the Valley of the Kings’ tombs and during the first to third centuries AD they used necropolises with mummies painted portraits on wood covering their faces.

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Who was the Pharaoh during Exodus?

The identity of Pharaoh in the Moses story has been debated, but many scholars feel that Exodus has King Ramses II in mind.

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