Unique Celtic artifact: the Ciumești helmet

Unique Celtic artifact: the Ciumești helmet #Shorts #minidocumentary

The Ancient Celts were a population spread out across many areas of Europe during the Bronze and Iron Ages. One of the most interesting artifacts left by the Celts was found in Romania, by accident, by a countryman who was digging for his farm.

It is the Ciumești helmet discovered in 1960. it has a very peculiar shape; it is made of bronze and has a Raven on top. its wings were able to flop, and they were making noise while riding a horse. this helmet belonged to a king warrior who most likely was not very tall.

Most likely it was very heavy and very difficult to handle, and it was probably made more to impress and terrify the adversary. It was dated the 2nd century BC. It is believed that Celts temporarily lived in Romania between the 4th and the 2nd century BC.

This artifact belongs to the La Tène Culture. A drawing found in Denmark with a Celtic warrior wearing a similar helmet confirms its origin. Many Celtic warriors used interesting helmets in battle.

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