What if I told you that Tutankhamun was a queen?

What if I told you that Tutankhamun was a queen? Let me explain. Scholars cannot explain why Tutankhamun was buried in a tomb that was meant for a queen.

It was small and the burial chamber stays to the right, as in a tomb for a queen. If we look at his famous golden mask, we notice that he was a teenager, he never shaved, and he had pierced ears.

His canopy jars statues look even more feminine, suggesting that he was using makeup and lipstick. According to Wikipedia, he had a long list of medical problems including alleged gynecomastia but this list and the alleged inbreeding don’t add up if we look at his statues. His golden statues form his tomb depict him as having boobs and no penis. He seems to be hunting well and he is not wearing a cane as in his 3D reconstruction.

According to Wikipedia, since 1926 his mummy has no penis. Howard Carter who discovered Tutankhamun’s tomb, allegedly had trouble removing his mask and damaged his face while doing so and possibly removed his penis.

To summarize, was Tutankhamun actually a queen? What do you guys think? Please comment down below. And…

Further reading and suggested videos :




Who Stole King Tut’s Phallus? – The Atlantic

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