Where Egyptian Pharaohs Illuminati? Few Facts

Why did Pharaohs from ancient Egypt families had events of inbreeding?

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Tutankhamun health issues part 3

Tutankhamun’s DNA was tested. Scholars thought he had some genetic diseases due to inbreeding. Some felt he had Marfan syndrome just like Akhenaton, his father.

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Tutankhamun health issues part 2

What if I told you that Tutankhamun had a club foot most likely due to inbreeding? However, he is depicted in art walking well and keeping his balance well. He is depicted also hunting well and throwing a harpoon.

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Nefertiti shows her true colors

Was Nefertiti a Black Queen? Nefertiti was a true beauty who changed the way people looked with respect to beauty and fashion during her time.

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What if I told you that Tutankhamun was a queen?

What if I told you that Tutankhamun was a queen? Let me explain. Scholars cannot explain why Tutankhamun was buried in a tomb that was meant for a queen.

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Who built the Colossal Olmec Heads?

The Olmec colossal heads are stone representations of human heads sculpted from large basalt boulders. They are found in Mexico. They range in height from 1.17 to 3.4 meters or 3.8 to 11.2 ft.

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Who was the Pharaoh during Exodus?

The identity of Pharaoh in the Moses story has been debated, but many scholars feel that Exodus has King Ramses II in mind.

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Who were the Black Pharaohs? Quick Facts

In the 8th century BC, a powerful kingdom arose in northern Sudan named Kush. Conquering Egypt, its kings ruled the Nile Valley, including Egypt and northern Sudan.

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Who was Akhenaton the Sun Pharaoh? Let me explain

He is a Priest Pharaoh who lived 3500 years ago. Before the fifth year of his reign, he was known as Amenhotep IV but he started to worship the god Aton or the sun disk and he decided to convert the entire Egypt to a monotheistic religion. Monotheistic religions are considered more advanced because they don’t confuse their followers and their philosophy is superior. Also they serve better as a political tool to control the state.

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NITOCRIS STORY #Shorts #informative

Nitocris was a less known pharaoh of the VI th dynasty. Her historicity is questioned and she could be more like a legend character. She is mentioned by Herodotus , Manetho and Royal Papyrus of of Turin.