Where is Dracula’s Grave?

The place of Dracula’s or Vlad the Impaler’s burial is unknown. According to popular tradition, Vlad Țepeș was buried in the Monastery of Snagov. However, scholars carried out excavations in 1933 and found no tomb below the supposed “unmarked tombstone” of Vlad in the monastery of Snagov.

They found some horse bones instead of a body. Vlad the Impaler was killed in action by his opponents for his throne. He was beheaded and his head was taken to Istanbul and exposed on a stake. His body was cut into pieces by the Turks and thrown in the Lake of Snagov.

Some scholars felt Vlad the Impaler grave would be in Naples at the Church of Santa Maria la Nova because they found a tombstone with Order of the Dragon signs. They hypothesized Dracula had a secret daughter who settled in Naples and buried her father there.

Bram Stoker placed his grave at the Whitby Abbey in England, but this is fictional, he was inspired by the dramatic abbey ruins, surrounded by swooping bats.

Some feel that his grave would be in Kitzingen, Germany because the grave has crosses upside down. But the question still remains.

Further reading and suggested videos :

Dracula’s Tomb – Brasov – Peles Palace – Bucharest – Visit Romania (romania-traveller.com)

How Dracula Came to Whitby | English Heritage (english-heritage.org.uk)

A church in Naples hosts Dracula’s tomb?

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