Who was Akhenaton the Sun Pharaoh? Let me explain

He is a Priest Pharaoh who lived 3500 years ago. Before the fifth year of his reign, he was known as Amenhotep IV but he started to worship the god Aton or the sun disk and he decided to convert the entire Egypt to a monotheistic religion. Monotheistic religions are considered more advanced because they don’t confuse their followers and their philosophy is superior. Also they serve better as a political tool to control the state.

Akhenaten was all but lost to history until the late-19th-century discovery of Amarna, or Akhetaten, the new capital city he built for the worship of Aten. In just two decades on the throne, Akhenaten imposed new aspects of Egyptian religion, moved Egypt’s capital to a previously unoccupied site, implemented a new form of architecture and attempted to obliterate the names and images of some of Egypt’s traditional gods.

He initiated a major socio-religious revolution that had vast consequences for his country,  and possessed a strikingly abnormal physiognomy that was of note in his time.

Some scholars felt he had Marfan syndrome, he is always depicted with an elongated skull, inflated lips and large nose, prominent facial features, and a large belly. He could have been also a transgender. He fathered six daughters and he is known to be the father of Tutankhamun. Some scholars felt he was depicted like that on purpose, or he asked that.

Marfan syndrome is a genetic disorder marked by lengthened features, including fingers and the face.

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