QUICK FACTS : WHY ROME ISN’T REME? #Shorts | Nano Documentary video

This is a story about the Founding of Rome. Why is it called Rome and not Reme? Romans are descendants from Aeneas or Eneas, who was the son of Venus. He had a grandson named Numitor who was the king of Alba Longa and he had a daughter called Rhea Silvia.

His brother Amulius was plotting against him to take his throne. He put his daughter in Vestal Temple and she was not allowed to have children being a Vestal. She meets Ares, the god of war though and Ares has a crush on her and they had two babies. Amulius throws the babies on the river Tiber. The babies are found and raised by a she wolf and fed by a woodpecker and later on they are raised by a Sheppard named Faustulus.

When they became grown ups they revenged their grand father and pushed away Amelius.

They wanted to have their own city.

They moved back to the place where the she wolf found them. They were fighting because Romulus wanted the city on Aventine hill and Remus wanted the city on Palatine hill. As a result they decided to look for a sign from gods (called auguri). Romulus wins . They established their territories on Aventine and Palatine hills.

Remus mocks Romulus territory. Romulus kills Remus in a fight. In conclusion, later on, Romulus established the city of Rome. Therefore he was the first king of Rome.

#Were Remus and Romulus twin brothers?, #What is the story of Romulus and Remus?, #How are Romulus and Remus connected to Aeneas?, #How did Romulus and Remus set up the new city?, #When was Rome founded?, #Who were the early people of Rome?, #What is the story of Romulus and Remus?,

VIDEO CREDITS : Most videos I used were videos from videvo.net, pixabay.com, pexels.com, no attribution was required, I was allowed to use them in all projects and media. Pictures credit : pnghut.com, istockphoto.com, pixlr.com, I have license for them and I thank the authors for their work. pixabay.com

REFERENCES; SOURCES: www.wikipedia.com, www.ancient.eu, www.facts.net, www.britannica.com,


The legend of Rome
The Founding of Rome: The Roman myth of Romulus and Remus

Ancient Rome for Kids: Romulus and Remus