Fringe theory about the Sphinx of Giza

Everyone is fascinated by the Great Sphinx of Giza. Many have asked how old the sphinx is. We all know the Sphinx was built on a bedrock limestone that was carved and some pieces of rock were used to build a temple nearby.

Some geologists thought that the Sphinx is older than 10000 years based on the water erosion seen on the margins of its nest. Carbon dating cannot be used on limestone. Sometimes, fossils can be used to date the limestone rock, but this limestone has none.

Why radiometric age dating used on meteorites is not working in the Sphinx I don’t understand. The water erosion marks suggest the Sphinx was in a rainy climate for thousands of years. Another explanation would be the erosion marks are due to quarrying or are man-made.

The Book of Dead suggests the Sphinx is a keeper of the way to the afterlife. In my opinion, the Sphinx is a #stargate keeper, and the erosion due to heavy rain produced at his assembly location, in an atmosphere with abundant carbon dioxide, at the other end of the gate.

Further reading and suggested videos:

Antica “Poartă Stelară” a zeilor, aflată în Peru | Epoch Times România (

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