Petrified Giants in the Carpathians

What are the anthropomorphic megaliths?

In the Carpathians in Romania, there are quite a few examples of anthropomorphic megaliths and many of them look like petrified giants. Please take a look and draw your own conclusions. while this could be an example of pareidolia, they look a lot like giants. Most of them are created through wind and weather erosion over hundreds of thousands of years and look like humans with imagination.

Many look like giants deep in thoughts and some have hats. Pareidolia is the perception of visual stimuli as different objects usually faces. An example is a mimetolithic pattern which is a pattern created by rocks that may come to mimic recognizable forms through the random processes of formation, weathering, and erosion. A well-known example is the Face on Mars.

Ancient Alien theorists would love to visit them. They also remind us of the Nephilim legend from the book of Enoch, which says there were giants on Earth before the flood.

Further reading and suggested videos:

Sfinxul din Bustea – legenda, imagini si informatii utile (

Romania Megalitica: Mysterious Locations & Megalithic Structures

Pareidolia – Wikipedia

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