Is the Sphinx older than we thought?

Is the Sphinx older than we thought?

What is the Dream Steele story? The dream Steele is a stone at the feet of the Sphinx from Giza placed by the Pharaoh Thutmose the fourth. Its story is simple: Menkheperure, an Egyptian prince, had a dream about the Sphinx before becoming Pharaoh.

The Sphinx was telling him in the dream that whoever removes the sand covering him would get help from the Sphinx to become Pharaoh. The next day Menkheperure woke up and called his men to release the Sphinx from the sand. Soon after, the Sphinx helped him to eliminate his elder brothers from the throne and to become a Pharaoh.

He created this Steele to commemorate this victory. The Dream Steele is telling us that Thutmose the fourth was a usurper but also is revealing something very interesting:

At the time of Thutmose the fourth, the Sphinx of Giza was already covered in sand and raises again the Question: Is the Sphinx older than we thought? A geologist named  Robert Schoch found erosion evidence that suggests that the Great Sphinx is much older than most scientists believe. Therefore

Further reading and suggested videos:

Dream Stele – Wikipedia

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