Who created the crop circles?

Who created the crop circles?

The crop circles are geometrical pattern drawings done mostly in England and close to Stonehenge in the last 50 years. They were always discovered in the mornings and close to roads in crop fields in England.

Many people started to believe they were created by aliens trying to give us messages. Some thought time travelers who could not interfere with our time reality or paranormal activity guys such as X men created them.

These theories were supported by the claim that circle crops were discovered even in the middle ages and were believed to be Satan’s work.

Some engaged in serious studying and theorizing about crop circles and were known as cerealogists (after Ceres, the Roman goddess of agriculture and fertility) or croppies. Crop circles started to occur in other countries too. Most, if not all, crop circles were probably due to pranksters.

For example, Doug Bower and David Chorley admitted to hoaxing approximately 250 circles over many years in England. Even after that, certain people continued to believe they were aliens works and tried to maintain the question:


Further reading and suggested videos :

Crop circles: Myth, mystery and history | Live Science

Carl Sagan (1997). The Demon-Haunted WorldHeadline Publishing Group. pp. 72–76. ISBN 0747251568.

Mayan ‘apocalypse’ crop circle appears at Silbury Hill (telegraph.co.uk)

Jerome Clark; Nancy Pear (1995). Strange and Unexplained Happenings: When Nature Breaks the Rules of Science. Vol. 3. GaleISBN 0810397803.

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