Fringe theory about the Sphinx of Giza

Everyone is fascinated by the Great Sphinx of Giza. Many have asked how old the sphinx is. We all know the Sphinx was built on a bedrock limestone that was carved and some pieces of rock were used to build a temple nearby.

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Petrified Giants in the Carpathians

What are the anthropomorphic megaliths?

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Is the Sphinx older than we thought?

Is the Sphinx older than we thought?

What is the Dream Steele story? The dream Steele is a stone at the feet of the Sphinx from Giza placed by the Pharaoh Thutmose the fourth. Its story is simple: Menkheperure, an Egyptian prince, had a dream about the Sphinx before becoming Pharaoh.

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Who were the Black Pharaohs? Quick Facts

In the 8th century BC, a powerful kingdom arose in northern Sudan named Kush. Conquering Egypt, its kings ruled the Nile Valley, including Egypt and northern Sudan.

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